When you want to take an action after the document is generated, this action can be executed from an Autolaunched Flow.
Create an Actionable in PDF Butler of recordType “Run Lightning Flow”, pass on the API name of your Flow and the class: “cadmus_core.Actionable_RunAfterFlow”
Flow input variables:
info: type “AfterActionableFlow_Info” => to get the docConfigId, recordId, packId, alternativeName and locale
- leadingDocument: type “AfterActionableFlow_Document” => to get the fileName, contentVersionId, contentDocumentId, contentDocumentLinkId and attachmentId
- additionalDocuments: type Collection of “AfterActionableFlow_Document” => to get the fileName, contentVersionId, contentDocumentId, contentDocumentLinkId and attachmentId
Update the record Save to document to another record